This Is How The Sahabah Really Memorised Quran

This Is How The Sahabah Really Memorised Quran

Having already mentioning how the beloved Prophet (ﷺ) memorised the Qur’ān through the lens of the Qur’ān and the process of revelation – it is time to reflect on how this extended to the noble companions (the sahābah – may Allāh be pleased with them all). What is the reality behind how the companions memorised…

The Rewards and Benefits of Memorising the Quran [Hifz]
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The Rewards and Benefits of Memorising the Quran [Hifz]

There are many rewards and benefits of reciting, memorizing, teaching and implementing the Qur’ān. We’re living in a time where our Dīn is being challenged through multiple avenues. These challenges are not only internal but external. Amongst these challenges is the idea that the Qur’ān no longer needs to be memorised. It’s important to address…

Benefits You'll See Memorising The Quran
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9 Benefits You’ll See By Memorising The Quran

We all hear about the benefits in the hereafter, but what about today? A good and well-rounded ḥifẓ journey, in general, may lead to experiencing many benefits in this world too. I share this as a means of some motivation and to get you to think about things from different perspectives. Let’s take a look….

Forgetting The Quran Isnt Sinful
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Forgetting The Qur’ān Isn’t Sinful: Here’s Why!

Many of us struggle with the memorisation of the Holy Qur’ān but there’s a dark cloud above our heads. The fear and guilt of forgetting it. I‘ve had many of you write to me over the years about your fears of forgetting the Qur’ān once you have memorised it. For example: “My parents told me…