We all hear about the benefits in the hereafter, but what about today? A good and well-rounded ḥifẓ journey, in general, may lead to experiencing many benefits in this world too.
I share this as a means of some motivation and to get you to think about things from different perspectives.
Let's take a look.
It creates a new and stronger sense of self-identity. You're not just Adam or Hawwa who happens to be Muslim, but you're a carrier of the Qur'ān. This begins to shape you, especially when you've memorised the entire Qur'ān.
Respect and honour
You'll experience respect and honour from others by virtue of the Qur'ān you carry. You'll notice people calling you with respect and treating you with respect. The reality is that it is the Qur'ān that they are respecting. This experience should keep you grounded.
You'll take on forms of leadership. Leading the prayer, buried ahead of others in a mass burial, and potential to lead people.
It was narrated that Abu Mas'ūd al-Ansārī said: “The Messenger of Allāh (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: ‘The people should be led in prayer by the one among them who has the most knowledge of the Book of Allāh; if they are equal in knowledge of the Qur'ān, then by the one who has the most knowledge of the Sunnah; if they are equal in knowledge of the Sunnah, then by the one who migrated (made hijrah) first; if they are equal in terms of hijrah, then by the one who became Muslim first. No man should lead another in prayer in his domain of authority, or sit in his place in his house, except with his permission.” (Narrated by Muslim, 673)
It was narrated that 'Abd-Allāh ibn 'Umar said: “When the first muhājirūn (emigrants) came to Quba, before the Messenger of Allāh (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) came (to Madīnah), Sālim the freed slave of Abu Hudhayfah used to lead them in prayer, and he was the one who knew the most Qur'ān.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 660)
It was narrated that Jābir ibn ‘AbdAllāh (may Allāh be pleased with them both) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) would wrap two of the men slain at Uhud in a single cloth, then he would ask, ‘Which of them knew more Qur’ān?’ If one of them was pointed out to him, he would put that one in the lahd (niche in the side of the grave) first. And he said, ‘I will be a witness over these people on the Day of Resurrection.’ He commanded that they should be buried with their blood, without being washed, and that no funeral prayer should be offered for them.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1278)
It was narrated by 'Āmir b. Wāthila reported that Nāfi' b. 'Abd al-Hārith met 'Umar at 'Usfān and 'Umar had employed him as collector in Mecca. He (Hadrat 'Umar) said to him (Nāfi'): Who have you appointed as collector over the people of the valley? He said: Ibn Abza. He said: Who is Ibn Abza? He said: He is one of our freed slaves. He (Hadrat 'Umar) said: So you have appointed a freed slave over them. He said: He is well versed In the Book of Allāh. the Exalted and Great, and he is well versed In the commandments and injunctions (of the Shari'ah). 'Umar said: So the Prophet (ﷺ) said: By this Book, Allāh would exalt some people and degrade others. (Narrated by Muslim, 817)
Ability to cite Qur'ān
You'll experience the benefit of quoting an āyah easily without having to look them up (if you know it well), especially in environments where it will come in handy. Moments where someone is trying to recall an āyah and can't remember, you can remind them. Moments where an Imām forgets, you can remind them. Moments where you're in a class or a discussion and you can quote an āyah.
Women get to experience more
As a woman, you'll appreciate the Words of Allāh like nothing else. As a mother, you'll find blessing. In Ramadān, you'll find yourself not missing out.
A life-long journey of building
Your Qur'ān journey is for life. The characteristics and skills you learn will transfer to all areas of life. These include learning abilities, speech, memorisation, commitment, patience, discipline, loyalty, confidence, focus and more. It produces a greater psychological boost to your faith, which includes a sense of happiness, contentment, and a positive attitude.
Numerous health benefits
Your connection with the Qur'ān will impact your spiritual, physical, and mental health. Studies indicate memorisers experience lower levels of anxiety or disorders because you have a bright spiritual medical tech living with you.
Blessings in your daily life
The connection with the Qur'ān brings blessings in your daily worldly life too. Knowing the Qur'ān is a type of Rizq (sustenance). You get ten good deeds for every letter you recite. Your soul is fed and impacted. What impact should this be having if you're connected to it every day?
You impact others
Whenever you're memorising or reciting, there's a purpose to it. Allāh has enabled you to do it for a reason. Sincere and righteous efforts with the Qur'ān are not only for you, it's also for those around you and for those to come. Everything that goes into it and every ripple effect are written in your favour. Others will see you or hear about you and become inspired to memorise themselves (if Allāh wills such). Others will see you or hear you and become moved. Others might enter into Islām. There are consequences that can even be generational. The ripple effects are powerful. Nothing is in vain. Those of you who say, why am I wasting my time and what's the point of this, do not realise what's happening. Everything leaves an 'athar' - a trace, an impression, a ripple effect and a consequence.
May Allāh grant blessing!
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