Become a Hāfiz of Quran with These Daily Hifz Schedules

One of the things that Huffādh are constantly asked by Hifz students is whether they can share or help others create daily Hifz schedules.

There are many types of schedules that can be made depending on your circumstances. Today, I'll share 5 example schedules to get you started.

A full time Hifz-ul-Qur'ān schedule

MorningTask to complete
6:00-7:00Wake up and have breakfast and travel to class
7:00-8:00Revise new memorisation (sabaq) 40 times and recite to the teacher
8:00-9:30Revise and recite recent memorisation (sabqi) to the teacher (last 25 days)
9:30-11:00Revise and recite one Juz' of your past memorisation (manzil/dohr/murāja'ah) to the teacher
AfternoonTask to complete
12:00-12:15Revise your new memorisation (sabaq) 10 times to yourself
12:15-15:30Revise 5 ajzā' of your past memorisation (manzil/dohr/murāja'ah) to self from memory
EveningTask to complete
16:00-20:00Teaching, gym time, working
21:00-23:00Learn tomorrow's new memorisation (sabaq)

When learning tomorrow's sabaq before sleeping, you can spend more time if you want to memorise more. You could memorise less than a page, one page, two pages, or even more. This is down to your capability.

If you are able to memorise two pages, then you should not be memorising one page. Don't do injustice and ensure to make the most of your time.

Build up your revision: initially you can revise half a Juz' for revision. Once you reach 10 ajzā', you should do one Juz'.

When doing self-revision in the afternoon, build it up. Initially start with one Juz' and two, then three, then four, and then five a day. This will ensure your Hifz will stay strong and you won't struggle to recite the one Juz' to your teacher.

This schedule can be modified to fit your needs and is just an example. For example, if you are able to only recite to your teacher in the evening in a one hour slot, then ensure you learn everything in the morning and afternoon.

There are four hours for work, gym, or teaching time because you need a break away from Hifz to refresh and relax your mind. This could be teaching kids about the deen, any sort of exercise or even a part time job. This four hour slot you can use to do whatever you want. If, instead, you want to use it for Hifz and you want to memorise even more Qur'ān, then go for it. If you have the passion, don't let anyone stop you! Finally, if any of you have done full time Hifz or are doing it, then do also share your schedule.

A schedule for those doing Hifz part-time (after work, school, college, university)

Time of the dayTask to complete
Night before sleepingAt night before sleeping, learn tomorrow's lesson (e.g. 5 lines)
Morning before work, school, college or universityIn the morning before work, school, college, or university, recite your lesson 75 times off memory
After work, school, college, or universityAfter work, school, college, or university recite your lesson 25 times and then to your teacher
Revise the most recent half Juz' (~45 mins)
Then revise half Juz' of old memorisation (~1.5 hours)
WeekendsRevise everything you've done in the last 6 months every week

After work, school, and university you should recite your sabaq (new lesson), sabqi (most recent half Juz' behind sabaq) and manzil (review of old memorisation of half a Juz') to your teacher. Then in your own time you learn your sabaq and read it 100 times off memory.

The difference here to usual schedules is that in your own time you don’t review a cycle of your total old memorisation (manzil/dohr/murajā’ah) every week by yourself rather you repeat your sabaq (new lesson) a further 100 times off memory to engrain it into your memory.

The reason I’ve allocated less time for the previous lessons (sabqi of 1/2 'Juz=45 minutes) compared to 1.5 hours for manzil (old memorisation) is that sabqi should be easy to revise since you repeat it daily.

The manzil of 1/2 Juz' you could learn rukū' by rukū' or in quarters and then connect it. You could also read it all at once and then read to the teacher. This way you would be repeating of that 1/2 juz a few times before reciting to your teacher.

Initially you may start off with reciting 1/4 Juz' for revision to your teacher but eventually increase to 1/2 after around 10 ajzā'. You might say well only half a Juz'? The reason for that is on the weekends you must revise what you’ve done in last 6 months every week.

This will help to bridge the short to long term memory. For example in the last 6 months, if you’ve done 6 ajzā' then you could do 3 ajzā' on Saturday and 3 on Sunday - this is vital to recite.

Then once completed your Hifz, you could start to revise 1 Juz' a day and then go through go through a process or schedule to strengthen your Qur'ān.

A schedule to strengthen your Hifz after completion

Khatm of Qur'ānAmount to recite per day
1You will revise a quarter of a Juz' as a new lesson (sabaq), 1 Juz' as recent revision (sabqi), and 1 Juz' for past revision (manzil)
2You will revise half of a Juz' as a new lesson (sabaq), 1 Juz' as recent revision (sabqi), and 1 Juz' for past revision (manzil)
3Revise 1 Juz' a day
4Revise 1.25 Juz' a day
5Revise 1.5 Juz' a day
6Revise 2 Juz' a day
7Revise 2.5 Juz' a day
8Revise 3 ajzā' a day
9Revise 3.5 ajzā' a day
10Revise 5 ajzā' a day
11Revise 6 ajzā' a day
12Revise 7.5 ajzā' a day
13Revise 10 ajzā' a day
14Revise 15 ajzā' a day
15Revise one complete Qur'ān

This schedule should be used for the one who ensured they kept up with their Hifz revision (one should be able to revise a juz' in one hour). If the student's Hifz is weak, they should go back and memorise the weak parts again following any of the hifz schedules. This schedule strengthens the hifdh of a student and build up to reciting the entire Qur'ān in one day.

You should read all parts to your teacher particularly for the first few khatm (especially the sabaq). In the first few khatm, up to 3 ajzā' perhaps, read it several times whilst practising reciting in different speeds: slow, medium, and fast. When it comes to large amounts like the Qur'ān in one day, recite fast. Try to recite as much as you can in salāh, particular the revision cycle you choose to adopt. For the first few khatm, ensure to read by looking first and avoid any mistakes.

When it comes to reciting the large amounts, the recommended way of revising is to read off memory, and then look into the mus'haf when it is needed such as when in doubt or when making a mistake. Your brain and tongue at this stage will be able to tell if you've made a mistake as your tongue won't let you carry on. If you don't have time, maintain 5 ajzā' a day and then in holidays increase the amount till you recite the entire Qur'ān.

What's next?

After going through the strengthening process until you can recite the Qur'ān in one day, you should then select a specific number of ajzā' to revise from there on. You should aim to revise 5 ajzā' a day completing one Qur'ān every 6 or 7 days (taking a day off like Friday). If not, then aim to do 4 ajzā', and if not, always stick to one Juz'. Aim to also lead the Tarāwīh each year in order to master your revision and help you revise throughout the year.

You should also aim to teach what you know. Seek knowledge of other sciences such as Arabic, Tajweed, 'Aqīdah, Fiqh, etc. Ensure to keep visiting your teacher regularly even after Hifdh and stay attached.

Another Hifdh schedule for those doing Hifdh part-time (after work, school, college, university)

This is ideal for part time students who have commitments such as academic studies or work. You can adjust it to fit your needs.

This is for those who can't recite multiple ajzā' to their teacher due to time constraints. This is for those who work or study full time. This schedule will produce competent Huffāz who are not weak. It can be adjusted to fir your needs. For example, if you finish work or school later, you can alter the starting times.

Time of the dayTask to complete
7:30-8:00 (morning)Revise/learn sabaq
08:00-16:00 (day)Attend school/college
16:30-18:30 (evening)Attend Hifz class
19:30-20:30 (evening)Learn sabaq
20:30-21:00 (evening)Revise sabqi
21:00-23:00 (night)Revise manzil/dohr/murāja'ah

A typical Hifz class might look like:

16:30-16:45Recite Sabaq
16:45-17:30Recite half a Juz'
17:30-18:30Recite half Juz' for manzil

When revising sabqi (previous lessons) and manzil (past) you can recite it by looking first, then off memory to your teacher.

How can you learn and revise after the Hifz class?

19:30-20:30 Learn Sabaq - here you learn tomorrow's lesson, you learn that which you are capable of doing without mistakes or stutters.

20:30-21:00 Revise Sabqi - this would usually be a Juz' behind your sabaq (read from memory).

21:30-23:00 Revise Manzil/Dohr - revise everything you have learnt at least once a week straight off memory. At the beginning, start with a Juz', towards the end of Hifz, revise 4/5 ajzā' a day.

Note again, this a sample schedule for those who may have a short class time (2 hours). In this case, most of the work should be done outside of the class - nothing new should be learnt in class. As you wull only revise half a Juz' to your teacher - it is vital to have another revision cycle at home by yourself. otherwise, towards the end, you would revise one part every two months which is not sufficient. Build it up as you memorise more.

Your new lesson (sabaq) should be learnt slow and then repeated multiple times in a fast pace to build fluency. When reciting to a teacher, recite it slow. Learn sabaq the day before and revise in the morning before school/work.

on weekends, if you have more time you could and should try do the following two things: (1) learn more sabaq and (2) revise the most recent few ajzā'/paray as they tend to be the weakest.

You may ask when should you do your school or university work?

You can fit this in right after Hifz class. You should also find little pockets of time to do this work such as at break and lunch times. You should also do the majority of the work on the weekends and holidays because your full evening should be deciated to Hifz.

Revision can be done in the Hadr (fast paced recitation whilst maintining tajweed) in order to revise multiple parts.

Another Hifz schedule for students

This method doesn't have two cycles of revision per day like others. This method works for those who have longer class times. This means the amount of revision increases and is an effective method to memorise whilst retaining the Qur'ān.

If you have memorised 0-7 ajzā'

07:30-8:00Revise sabaq
16:30-16:45Recite sabaq
16:45-18:00Revise sabqi/sabaq para
18:00-18:45Revise half a Juz' manzil/dohr
19:45-20:45Learn sabaq

If you have memorised 7-15 ajzā'

07:30-8:00Revise sabaq
16:30-16:45Recite sabaq
16:45-18:00Revise sabqi/sabaq para
18:00-19:30Revise a Juz' manzil/dohr
20:30-21:30Learn sabaq

If you have memorised 15-20 ajzā'

07:30-8:00Revise sabaq
16:30-16:45Recite sabaq
16:45-18:00Revise sabqi/sabaq para
18:00-20:15Revise 1.5 Juz' manzil/dohr
21:15-22:15Learn sabaq

If you have memorised 20-30 ajzā'

07:30-8:00Revise sabaq
16:30-16:45Recite sabaq
16:45-18:00Revise sabqi/sabaq para
18:00-21:00Revise 2 Juz' manzil/dohr
22:00-23:00Learn sabaq

Revise sabqi (most recent lessons) and manzil by reading once by looking, once off memory and then recite to the teacher. If not, then recite to a friend, buddy, or family memory. If not, then recite in salaah. This can only be done if sabaq is learnt without mistakes/stutters. Learn your new memorisation slowly and recite it in salaah.

On the weekend, you can also recite the most recent ajzā'/paras to bridge he gap between short and long term memory. For example, if you've done 24 ajzā', then you can recite 22/23/24 on weekends. Do your academic work at break or lunch times and an hour in between manzil and sabaq. Try to do most of your work on the weekend and in the holidays.

You can alter the timings to fit your needs and your schedule. Revision should be done fast. After completing one Juz', take a day out to perfect it - making sure to remove any lingering mistakes. In the holidays, increase sabaq and revision.

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