Effective Techniques To Make Your Quran Revision Stronger

Revision. It's the backbone of any successful Qur'ān memorisation journey. Despite having various methods of revision available, many of you still struggle with it. In my previous discussions, I've shared numerous revision methods. But it's a challenging task and there's room for constant improvement. So today, I want to share some advanced techniques that can help you strengthen your Qur'ān memorisation even further.

These techniques are not necessarily new, but they may not be as commonly used or widely known as you'd think. Incorporating them into your revision routine can give you an extra edge in your journey towards mastering the Qur'ān.

These techniques are aimed at both those still memorising and those who have already memorised significant portions or the entire Qur'ān.

Let's get into them.

1. Recite each Juz' until you can do it without making a mistake

The first technique is to recite each Juz' until you can do it without a mistake. Although this is aimed at those that have already memorised large portions or the entire Qur'ān, the basic principle can be applied at any stage of your journey. It requires patience and dedication, but the benefits are immense. This is a similar method to the method that Abdullah Hanook and his colleagues use. It is also a method used in Malaysia and other places.

The idea is that you must keep reciting the Juz' you are on until it is flawless. Only then you can move on to the next Juz'. So start by reciting the first Juz'. Let's say you recite it the first time to your teacher or buddy, but you make seven mistakes. You make note of them and you will try the next day or even the same day. So you keep reciting it until you can recite it flawlessly. Once you have mastered it, move on to the next Juz' and repeat the process.

When you have completed the entire Qur'ān like this, you repeat the process, but this time do two Juz' at a time (in one sitting). Again, if you make a mistake, you try again. Then move on to three, five, and then ten, fifteen, twenty, and finally thirty Juz'. This will not only help you memorize the Qur'an but also improve your recitation.

Recite each Juz' until you can do it without a mistake. When you complete the entire Qur'ān, repeat the process but do two Juz' at a time (in one sitting). Then gradually increase the number of Juz' you recite in one sitting until you can recite the entire Qur'ān in one go. For example, move to three, then five, then ten, then fifteen, twenty, and then all thirty.

It could take you days, or weeks to do one particular Juz'. For example, it could take two days to recite Juz' 1, and one day to revise it before moving on to Juz' 2. But Juz' 4 might take three or four days. This should not be of concern because you are aiming to make things very strong and will only be possible with this type of effort.

2. Memorise and revise like the flow of water

What does it mean to memorise like water? Just as water quickly and easily flows into any container, you should aim to memorise the Qur'ān with the same ease and fluidity. When we drink water, we do not drink it all at once but rather sip it slowly, allowing our body to absorb it gradually. Similarly, when memorising the Qur'ān, we should not try to memorise everything by cramming all we can but rather memorise small portions at a time. Once you have memorised a portion, revise it regularly until it becomes firmly established in your memory. Then move on to the next portion and repeat the process.

This is a basic foundational principle rather than a technique per say. You have to remember that the stronger your memorisation, the stronger the revision. Your first focus should always be making your memorisation sessions stronger, even if it takes you a longer time.

Let's say for example someone does this:

Portion SizeMemorization TechniqueNumber of Times to ReciteRevision Schedule
1 verseRecite out loud10 timesOnce a day for a week, then once every other day for a week, then once a week
1 pageRecite out loud10 timesOnce a day for a week, then once every other day for a week, then once a week
1 juz'Write down from memory10 timesOnce a day for a week, then once every other day for a week, then once a week

You've got a system to make things stronger. There are many methods I have shared that can allow you to have an effective memorisation.

3. When you reach 100, revise!

The third technique to make your Qur'ān revision stronger is to set goals for yourself and revise regularly. One effective way to do this is to aim to revise at a certain milestone - say every 100 lines (around 7 pages) or 100 pages (around 5 ajzā') that you memorise.

This technique not only helps you keep track of your progress, but it also provides a tangible goal to work towards. When you reach 100 lines or 100 pages, take some time to revise what you have memorised before moving on to the next portion. You shouldn't move on until you can recite them all perfectly. This is something that is generally implemented in many madāris (hifz schools).

It's important to note that when revising, you should aim to recite what you have memorised from memory, rather than reading it from a mus'haf (physical copy of the Quran). This helps reinforce your memorisation and ensures that you are retaining what you have memorised.

4. If you make one mistake, start again

The fourth technique is to be strict with yourself when memorising and revising. If you make one mistake, start again from the beginning of the portion you are revising. Every single time. This may seem harsh, and long winded but it is an effective way to ensure that you have a strong grasp of the portion you are memorising or revising. If you allow yourself to make mistakes and continue revising, you may end up with the mistakes for a long time.

Dealing with mistakes is a topic in itself but this approach may not be very effective for those who become demotivated easily and have less time. It is important to focus on accuracy during memorisation, but mistakes are a normal part of the process. When a mistake is made, it's normally recommended to repeat the verse or section multiple times until it is corrected, rather than starting again from the beginning. And, of course, always revise.

5. Mention all the Mutashābihāt whenever you come across one

Mutashābihāt are verses in the Qur’ān that have similarities. These verses require deep contemplation and reflection. This technique is where you mention every similarity while revising the Qur’ān whenever you come across one. For example if you're revising the first Juz' and you're reciting the verse that begins with "Ya Banī Isrā'eel", you should mention all the similar verses in the order they appear. This will ensure that you remember them well and that they are ingrained in your memory. By mentioning the Mutashābihāt, you can learn to differentiate between verses and understand them better.

May Allāh grant blessing and further us in our efforts!

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