Have The Best Adab If You Want Quran Success

Recently I met a Hifz student at a local madrasah who had several challenges. Within 5 or more years, he had memorised 2 Juz'. He was a high school student.

So I wanted to know what was going on. So I observed him at the madrasah over a period of six months. The classroom environment, the madrasah, and his behaviour were at the core of the issues. His behaviour was something that couldn't be ignored. There was no discipline and control. There was anger, foul language and reactionary behavioural patterns.

There was no Adab.

With no Adab, he isn't moving forward.

And we certainly have an Adab crisis within our community.

What is Adab and why is it important?

Adab is a very broad word. It has lot of different meanings in Arabic, the least of which is having good manners. It encompasses many ingredients. There is Adab in everything.

It's much deeper. It's also a recognition of hierarchy. Adab is really about putting things in their proper place. It's also knowing your own limitations.

It's respect for and the recognition of rights. Fulfilling the rights to those whom you own a right (rights of parents, elders, youngsters, neighbours, animals, interactions etc). If you don’t give rights to people then what right do you have to knowledge? Whoever has no Adab, has no knowledge.

It's a process of purification and beautification of conduct inwardly and outwardly which is called Husn al-Adab. Imām Harawi says, “The entire Deen is khuluq (manners).”

It's very important. Just read these:

“Nothing is heavier on the Scale of Deeds than one’s good manners.” (Sahīh al-Bukhārī)

Sayyidah Ā'ishah (Allāh be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) said, “Verily, whoever has been given the quality of kindness has been given his share of good in this life and in the Hereafter. Maintaining family ties, good character, and good treatment of neighbours will build their heavenly abodes and increase their life spans.” (Musnad Aḥmad 25259)

The Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) said, “The most beloved of Allāh's slaves to Allāh are those with the best manners.” (At-Tabarānī)

Sayyidah Ā'ishah (Allāh be pleased with her) reported: The Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) said, “Verily, the believer may reach by his good character the rank of one who regularly fasts and stands for prayer at night.” (Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4798)

Ibn al-Jazarī reported: Ibn al-Mubārak, may Allāh have mercy on him, said, “I sought manners for thirty years and I sought sacred knowledge for twenty years. The righteous predecessors would seek manners first, then seek knowledge.” (Ghāyat al-Nihāyah 1/446)

Imām 'Abdullāh ibn al-Mubārak is said to have said: "I served Imam Malik for 20 years, 18 of those years were spent in learning Adab and the remaining 2 years were spent in acquiring knowledge. I wish that I had spent the entire 20 years learning Adab."

Al-Qādī ‘Iyād reported: Mālik, may Allāh have mercy on him, said, “My mother would dress me up and say to me: Go to Shaykh Rabī’ah and learn from his manners before his knowledge.” (Tartīb al-Madārik 1/130)

70 Manners of the True Student

I received a message recently that was excerpted from a course on Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student: The Method of Learning." That's an excellent book for students to learn about what's required of a student of knowledge.

I will share it here for you to benefit from.

"For the dedicated student of knowledge it is vital they follow this advice to be blessed with the barakah of sacred knowledge or they will be remain deprived and only obtain raw data that will serve to be a proof against them on the Day of Judgment."

Before the class the student should:

  1. Ensure to revive or rectify your intention for every class.
  2. Cleanse the heart from all nastiness as it is the key to a sound body and mind.
  3. Take knowledge from the qualified and observant, never from the irreligious.
  4. Take knowledge from traditional scholars not the self-read who solely depend on books.
  5. Take knowledge from the specialists in their respective fields, very few are capable in all.
  6. Once you have done this well, trust the expertise and entertain good thoughts of your teacher.
  7. If studying with more than one teacher, organise your learning with priority given to the Fard ‘ayn.
  8. Do not compare or show your teacher that you prefer another teacher over them.
  9. Do not rush, but start with the mutoun (basic texts) before moving onto larger ones.
  10. Once you have booked your teacher, do not cancel or postpone their class for petty reasons.
  11. Do not miss classes unless there is an emergency situation or your parents need you.
  12. Wear clean clothes preferably white of colour and apply perfume (for males only)
  13. Perform wudhu before sitting in any gathering of ilm wherein the Quran or Hadith is taught.
  14. Observe good personal hygiene by using miswaak, trimming moustache and clipping nails.
  15. Ensure that your stationery is complete so that you can take good notes.
  16. Look after and respect your books. The Quran should always be at the top of the pile, then Tafseer works then hadith works and so on.
  17. Always seek permission to enter the teacher’s home, never take it for granted.
  18. If the teacher is sleeping, do not wake them, but wait patiently or return later.
  19. Attend classes punctually and sit down prepared before the arrival of the teacher.
  20. You should not walk in front of the Shaikh unless you are protecting them.
  21. Upon arrival if late, salute your peers audibly and then salute your teacher and apologise.
  22. Enter the class tranquilly, not breathing heavily and distracting others.

When in class the student should

  1. Begin your classes with a quiet basmalah and salawat then pray for beneficial knowledge.
  2. Sit respectfully, directly in front of your teacher, look at them and listen attentively.
  3. You should never sit in the place of the teacher.
  4. Do not sit in front of peers blocking their view of the teacher.
  5. Do not climb over others to sit in class or distract people when entering.
  6. Do not sit higher than the teacher or lean on the wall before seeking permission if medical excuse exists.
  7. Do not disagree with your teacher in front of others, discuss privately, if any issues.
  8. Do not look for flaws in your teacher, for if you do this, you will never find a flawless person and will only deprive yourself of their knowledge.
  9. Do not laugh hysterically, whisper or speak out of turn during class.
  10. Do not fidget with mobile phone, clothing etc or glance around during the class.
  11. Do not read to the teacher when they are distracted or tired.
  12. Do not be jealous of your peers or have animosity towards them.
  13. Do not perceive any component of knowledge as insignificant, rather record it.
  14. Do not lie and say you understand when you do not understand.
  15. Do not busy yourself in optional worship in the presence of the teacher.
  16. Seize every moment you have to benefit from the teacher.
  17. Only answer the questions of peers, if the teacher encourages you to do so.
  18. Always address the teacher with respect and wait for their response.
  19. Never be shy from asking questions when the opportunity is given.
  20. Exercise forbearance towards your teacher and peers.
  21. Even if you know the lesson from before continue to listen attentively.
  22. Exercise patience with the bad mood a teacher may have occasionally.
  23. Realise that if your teacher rebukes or scolds you, it is for your own good.
  24. Whoever shows no patience while studying will remain in the darkness of ignorance.
  25. Respect your peers as it is regarded as a part of respecting your teacher.
  26. Do not leave abruptly without permission, rather write a note seeking permission.

After the class the student should

  1. Verify with your teacher the correct recital of verses before memorising.
  2. Do not unnecessarily remain around the teacher as they have commitments.
  3. Do not learn directly from books, rather consult your teacher first.
  4. Revise your notes after lessons preferably in a study group with peers.
  5. Regularly recollect and repeat the knowledge that you have memorised.
  6. Memorising on a light stomach before the time of Fajr is the most effective.
  7. Always maintain the honour of your teacher even outside of class.
  8. You should respect his children and close ones.
  9. Advise your peers regarding beneficial classes they can attend.

General Traits that the student of sacred knowledge must consider:

  1. Learn the art of asking sound questions, not trivial or silly ones.
  2. Learn to exercise humility with your teacher and class-fellows.
  3. Demonstrate firmness of purpose with a zest and zeal for knowledge.
  4. Make efficient use of your youth and free time before they leave you.
  5. Disconnect yourself from trivial pursuits and excessive social activities.
  6. Do not postpone learning opportunities as they may never return.
  7. Do not eat and drink too much as this will cause lethargy & excessive sleep.
  8. Do not marry a spouse who has no value for sacred knowledge, they will distract you from your study.
  9. Do not marry more than one wife because you will either neglect them or your studies. (This is for those on the serious end of seeking knowledge)
  10. Do not shock your body with sudden lack of sleep, but train it to reach there.
  11. Keep your mind clear by sufficing yourself with little provisions and a simple lifestyle.
  12. Consume a healthy diet staying away from oily foods and consume dry fruits like raisins.
  13. Maintain balance in your food selection by coupling foods with warming and cooling characteristics.

Note that most of the things are either commentary or something that has been mentioned from the book.

I have mentioned a story of how others were with their parents and how they saw change after working on their Adab. My message today is for you to remind yourself of the important of Adab and to always work on improving yourself.

This will get you very far in your path.

Allāh grant blessing and success!

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