With Ramadān fast approaching, it’s the most perfect time to start to address where we stand. For those of you looking forward to beginning Qur'ān memorisation in Ramadān or are wondering how to memorise the Qur’ān in Ramadān. Or perhaps you have several questions concerning how you can navigate the month with your Ḥifẓ.
Here's a quick guide.
What do I focus on in the month of Ramadān?
This is the question this guide will address.
Remember that the primary focus should be to complete at least one completion (khatm) of the Qur'ān. The more the better. You can do one with Qirā'ah (pure recitation) and one with Tadabbur (deep reflection on the meanings). You do one with Qirā'ah, Tadabbur, and Tilāwah (recitation that is followed with action). That's even better.
What are the different ways to go about Ḥifẓ in Ramadān?
Some of you are asking, do I recite Qur'ān as normal or do I focus on my memorisation? Can I do both?
1. Continue your routine as it was outside Ramadān
You continue with your routine of memorisation and review, but intensify it, meaning that you take advantage of the opportunity this blessed month presents. This is a typical situation for a student that wants to memorise more. You have to be careful of doing too much at the expense of forgetting it all.
2. Focus only on revision and recall
You only review and recall, and don't do anything else. Traditionally, Ramadān is a time where students take a break and focus on revision. It's the perfect chance to focus on it, especially if your past memorisation isn't up to the mark. It's a time to strengthen your Qur'ān and your relationship with it. Moreover, we see in that the sunnah that the Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) reviewed the Qur’ān every Ramadān with the archangel Jibreel (peace be upon him).
3. Do it all by creating focus times
You can set a specific time for a specific focus. One time for recitation only, one time for Ḥifẓ, and one time for review. You can for example shape your routine around the salāh. So for instance, at the time of Fajr you could just do the recitation (khatm of the Qur’ān by looking) and at the time of ‘Asr, you make revision (recite without looking). When you pray salāh, you can do review and some recitation. Four pages per salāh (15-lined Qur'ān, 20 pages per Juz') will cover a Juz'.
4. Do it all by creating focus days
You can create focus days, for example, you are working in Ramadān - your week days/working days can be focus days for recitation and on the weekends you do Ḥifẓ and revision. You can divide the weekend with memorisation on one day and revision on the next.
5. Focus on recitation and only review
Utilise the time to recite the Qur’ān by looking, set a target with whatever it is that you want to do, for instance, if you want to do a Qur’ān every week you set a target. Alongside this review what you already have memorised. Make use again of your Salāh (Tarāwīh especially).
6. Use time off or seclusion (I'tikāf)
Utilise the time off during the month for seclusion (i'tikāf) within Ramadān and set a target for that specific time/schedule for your memorisation, review and recitation.
Whatever it is that you do, have a plan.
Allāh grant blessing.
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