quran pages close up

I’d like to thank everyone who supported the efforts of the How To Memorise The Qur’an platform this year 2015. I’m grateful.


Your first 100 verses may be bad.

Your first 100 paragraphs may be bad too.

Your first 100 attempts will not be perfect.

Nobody can pick up a book and become a professional overnight.

Nobody can pick up a pen, then write and win a Pulitzer Prize right away.

Nobody will lead on something without getting a few things wrong.

Nobody learns how to walk after the first step.

We all do bad at the beginning


Children can do what most adults fail to do.

We always think children need our guidance to figure out life. But they know things that most of us have forgotten.

We don’t become better by giving up. We keep trying.

Do babies stop trying to learn to walk after falling the first time? No, they keep trying.

That is why everything seems to be possible when you were a child. There was no ego. You only see a finish line and you want to cross it.

I didn’t have a super sailing journey on the road to memorising the Qur’ān. Some people said I wouldn’t do it. But I still kept at it.

I know people who memorised the Qur’ān but then forgot it. That didn’t stop them. They regained what they had lost. They showed up until they figured it out. And they still show up to this day.

The truth is no matter how smart you are.


Most people give up right away.

A few people stick around until they get it right.

It means nothing if you are good at something but adding no value. It is better to show up every day and try.

We do bad and it is fine.

Because it is just the beginning.

May Allāh bless you, may the new year 2016 be full of blessings for you and our communities.

Remember me in your prayers.


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