Personalised Hifz Schedule Planner
This is a unique tool designed to help you memorise the Qur'an. Whether you're just starting or continuing your memorisation journey, this planner offers tailored plans based on your daily commitment, target completion date, and the version of the Qur'an you are using.
Get A Hifz Schedule Made For You
Different versions have different numbers of pages per Juz.
Enter the total number of Juz you want to memorize.
Enter the number of Juz you have already memorized.
How many days a week will you commit to memorization?
How many hours will you commit per day?
When do you aim to finish your memorization?
Estimated total days off till your target date.
In how many days do you want to revise everything memorized?
Thank you for using the Hifz planner & schedule maker.
If you have any feedback or suggestions please add your comments:
Save it as an app:
- If you have Chrome on your device, you can go to your menu and click on "Add to Home Screen" (Android).
- For iPhone: You can add a website icon to your iPhone Home Screen for quick access. While viewing the website, tap the Share button in the menu bar. Scroll down the list of options, then tap Add to Home Screen. If you don’t see Add to Home Screen, you can add it. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, tap Edit Actions, then tap + Add to Home Screen. The icon appears only on the device where you add it.