Rahmah Institute

Website Nusayba Ali
My ethnic background is Pakistani but have studied with teachers from the uk and Egypt.
Have 5+ years of Qur’anic and Islamic studies teaching experience, also gained an Ijazah in Hafs an Asim [Egypt].
Online via Zoom.
Ijazah available.
“You were very effective as a teacher and made the environment comfortable where I wasn’t afraid to ask for something to be repeated.”
“ I am usually a very anxious person and would have a hard time speaking/reciting or reading in front of others but I didn’t feel that here alhamdulillah.”
“It’s all because of you I’m learning, you haven’t given up on me.”
“You’re a teacher who teaches with passion.”
“You give a lot of love but at the same time you’re firm. You make your lessons fun, we joke have a laugh and still complete our work. The balance of everything is perfect.”
“The care and compassion you show goes beyond a student teacher role. I know wholeheartedly that Allah has put you in my daughters life at a time she needs it the most.”
Not free but fees is relatively low priced.
To contact this teacher email alinusayba1107@gmail.com.