Ottoman Quran Hifz Method

The Ottoman Hifz Method

The Ottoman method of memorising Quran is a unique Quran memorization method widely used in Bosnia and Turkey. You can even find it being used in schools as far as Malaysia! Core Principles of the Ottoman Hifz Method The Ottoman Hifz Method is founded on a few key principles that ensure effective memorisation: The Stacking…

Revision Methods Ramadan
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Revision Methods You Can Use In Ramadān

After learning about how you can approach Ḥifẓ in Ramadān and preparing for the Tarāwīh, it’s time to learn about revision methods. Whether you’re going to be leading the Tarāwīh or not, these are some quick tips and Qur’ān revision techniques for you to consider. Plan ahead Are you going to be leading the Tarāwīh?…

A Beginners Guide To Hifz Revision Methods
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A Beginners Guide To Ḥifẓ Revision Methods

This might just be the most important guide you read. There are a lot of words that are used to describe the process of recalling our memorisation. So let’s start with understanding them. Review, revision, or recall? You will notice that I use all of these different terms across my work. Recall is when you…

Suhaib Webb memorizing quran
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Imam Suhaib Webb: How I Memorized the Qur’an

People ask me what method I used to memorize the Quran. I’ll answer this in two parts. The first addresses memorization. The second addresses review: Teachers in al-Azhar used to say to me, “whoever memorizes five verses, rarely forgets them.” So, when memorizing, start with five verses. I had a classmate who memorized four pages…

Revising Qur'an

Why You Are Revising The Wrong Way

This article comes at a time where I’m feeling annoyed. I’m not good like that because my students have to listen to my rants. Annoyed at something that I keep seeing time and time again. Way too many of you are making this mistake. Too many of you are ‘lazy’ about your Hifdh revision. What…

how to review what you've memorised quran

How to Review What You’ve Memorized of the Qur’an

I have tried numerous methods throughout my years of memorizing. Sometimes I would stop memorizing for months at a time and only focus on review (although this always failed when I didn’t have a teacher who could help me stay on track because I ended up wasting precious months without review or memorization).

dr ayman suwayd memorising quran

How Can I Memorise The Qur’ān When I Keep Forgetting? 

Thoughts on Qur’ān memorisation from Dr. Ayman Dr. Ayman bin Rushdi Swayd memorised the Qur’ān at a young age using a Mus’haf called “Mus’haf al-Huffādh”. This copy was a unique and rare copy in those days. He once went to the shops and asked for it and they never knew what it was. It has…

dominate hifdh revision

How To Dominate Your Hifdh Revision

With Ramadan around the corner, many Huffadh get back into a revision routine. Others make plans, but nothing comes to fruition. I’ve had many people asking me to write about revision so here are some methods to help you