A Poem On How To Memorise The Quran
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A Poem On How To Memorise The Quran

In a beautiful poem, Shaykh Muhammad Abul-Hassan al-Kurdī gathers advice on how to memorise the Qur’ān, its conditions, etiquettes and how to revise it. It is known as the “Qalā’id al-‘Iqyān” which can be translated as The Golden Necklaces or The Golden Pendant. Here’s the poem with a rough English translation: Introduction الحمدُ للهِ الذي…

20 Amazing Ways To Do Your Quran Revision [Hifz]

20 Amazing Ways To Do Your Quran Revision [Hifz]

Someone asked how to revise Qur’ān. How do you revise Qur’ān quickly? I have already shared many methods, tips, and tricks for you concerning Hifz revision. Recently, I was doing some searching and going through my notes and found a list that I saved. It was a list of revision methods that was put together…

The Shuffling Revision Method

The Shuffling Revision Method

Revision can be a great source of stress for those who struggle with time and have weaknesses. Here are the things I hear: So why can’t you just revise by looking? Surely if you do it enough with consistency, you’ll be fine (it’s possible). I don’t have time to do it from memory. It’s too…

The Ibrahimi Method For Memorising The Quran
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The Ibrahimi Method For Memorising The Quran

This method for memorising the Qur’ān comes from Shaykh Ibrahim as-Saq’ūb which is why I have named it the Ibrahimi method. Hundreds upon hundreds of students have completed the memorisation of the Qur’ān using this method. The following is according to what the shaykh himself has conveyed. The eventual result of this method is that…

How To Revise Quran In Your Salah [Namaz]

How To Revise Quran In Your Salah [Namaz]

Revising your Hifz in your Salāh is your number one tool. It’s the time to make the most of your Hifz. Actually, one of my regrets when doing Hifz was not following this advice. So I started making sure my own students made the effort to recite a cycle of revision through salāh. What were…

Using Flashcards For Hifz (Quran Memorisation)

Using Flashcards For Hifz (Quran Memorisation)

Using flashcards for your Hifz (Qur’ān memorisation) can be very helpful and for many other use cases. Students use them for revision. Students use them to memorise languages. Whether you’re using an index card, a flashcard, a flashcard maker app, cardflow, or any note paper, it has come in useful for so many. How can flashcards…

The Five Fortresses Method For Memorizing Quran

The Five Fortresses Method For Memorizing Quran

Al-Husoon al-Khamsa – The idea of this method is to protect your memorisation of the Qur’ān with five specific layers. This method was developed and popularised in Egypt by Dr Sa’eed Abul ‘Ulā Hamzah. Subhān Allāh, it’s been so popular that it’s also recommended by teachers in Masjid an-Nabawiy, and even books, apps and commentaries…

How to remember more of your hifz with spaced repetition

How To Remember More of Your Hifz with Spaced Repetition

After you’ve memorised your sabaq, new lesson, or portion, do you find yourself forgetting between 20-80% of it or even all of it within the same day?! A number of factors affect our ability to remember it, but by reviewing it at certain times, you can potentially avoid this from happening. Think of it as…

Five A Day Method To Memorise Qur’an In 4 Years

Five A Day Method To Memorise Qur’an In 4 Years

This method is aimed at adults who want to memorise the Qur’ān. It can be adjusted to suit your needs. Share it within your circles and I hope that it will be of benefit. The Five A Day Method For Hifz Step One Before you start, renew your intentions (daily). Make supplication for the Qur’ān…

How Bilal Memorized Quran and Forgot It

How Bilal Memorized Qur’ān And Then Forgot It

A few years ago I caught up with Hafiz Bilal Memon (USA), the founder of Quran Academy, and we had a live chat about his memorization journey. Here’s how it went. How did your memorization journey begin? It began in 1999 when I was 10 years old. When I was a 5th grader in elementary…

schedules for the hafiz
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Make Your Hifdh Solid With These Schedules

How can a Ḥāfiẓ make his Qur’ān stronger once memorised? Today I share with you three methods for strengthening what you’ve memorised. These are for those that have memorised a large portion of the Qur’ān or memorised the entire Qur’ān (the Ḥāfiẓ). The Akhdari Method This is a method taught by Shaykh Ibrāhīm al-Akhdarī al-Madanī….

Revision Method For Busy People

Here Is A Method That Is Helping Busy People Revise Quran

Review. Revision. Recall. It’s the maintenance of your Hifz. It’s the oxygen of your journey. It’s memory management. You have got to engage with it. As I always say, doing Hifz gymnastics every day will keep the memory in stay! You will have seen from my revision posts that there are many ways to go…