How To Memorise The Surah Names In The Right Order
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How To Memorise The Surah Names In The Right Order

When you’re memorising the Qur’ān, one of the things that you will need to do is memorise the Surah names. How do you do this? I remember when memorising the 30th Juz’ and always trying to remember what Surah came where. Sometimes I would get confused with the order, especially because I had memorised in…

25 Amazing Techniques To Memorise The Mutashabihat Verses

25 Amazing Techniques To Memorise The Mutashabihat Verses

Whoever is trying to memorise the Qur’ān will have to deal with āyāt (verses) that are similar. The resemblance between two or three can cause you confusion and cause you to start reciting from another place. They may start the same but end differently. They might follow the same pattern but have different words and…

The Extraordinary Memorisation (Hifz) of Hafiz Abdullah Atif

The Extraordinary Memorisation (Hifz) of Hafiz Abdullah Atif

In the realm of extraordinary achievements, there are stories that transcend the boundaries of expectation and touch our hearts with their sheer inspiration. Today, we delve into the captivating journey of Abdullāh Ātif, a remarkable 13-year-old boy who defied the odds and accomplished a feat that seemed almost fictional. Despite being diagnosed with Down syndrome…

Techniques To Remember The Similar Verses [Mutashābihāt] P7

Techniques To Remember The Similar Verses [Mutashābihāt] P7

Throughout the previous parts of this comprehensive series, you have acquired valuable insights into various rules, patterns, and formulas that can greatly assist you in memorising and recalling similar verses, known as the Mutashābihāt, within the Qur’ān. We have explored techniques such as reversal patterns, incremental patterns, and grouping methods, using Sūrah Yasīn as a…

Amazing Hifz al-Quran Stories To Tell Your Children
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Amazing Hifz al-Quran Stories To Tell Your Children

There are many stories we see of young children having memorised the Qur’ān. They make great headlines. In the recent months, I’ve been spending a lot more time in the Madrasah environment and amongst the many things that’s lacking is great storytelling. So today, I have a special treat for you! I want to share…

How To Memorise The Quran With The Verse Numbers

How To Memorise The Quran With The Verse Numbers

Some of you have asked about how you can take your Qur’ān journey to the next level and delve deeper in mastering its memorisation. While our main focus is on memorising the words of the Qur’ān, there are other elements that some people will also memorise. These elements include: Of course, there’s nothing more important…

The ITQAAN Method For Memorising The Quran

The ITQAAN Method For Memorising The Quran

Memorising the Qur’ān can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and a systematic method, you can make the process more efficient and enjoyable. One such method that has gained popularity among students is the ITQAAN method. This method, consisting of five simple steps, aims to help you memorise the Qur’ān with perfection…

An Easy Way To Memorise Forgotten Quran Before Ramadan
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An Easy Way To Memorise Forgotten Quran Before Ramadan

If you have previously memorised the Qur’ān but have forgotten it over time, don’t worry! Many schools follow a method that can help you regain your memorisation. This approach is particularly useful for those who wish to re-memorise the Qur’ān in time for Ramadān to lead the Tarāwīh prayers. By implementing these steps, you can…

Techniques To Remember The Similar Verses [Mutashābihāt] P6

Techniques To Remember The Similar Verses [Mutashābihāt] P6

In parts one, two, three, four, and five you learnt different rules, patterns or formulas you can use to remember similar verses (the Mutashābihāt) in the Qur’ān as you memorise. I also previously shared reversal patterns, incremental patterns and grouping methods using sūrah yasīn. Today, I’ll share more methods to memorise and remember similar verses…

Use This Simple Induction System For Hifz Students

Use This Simple Induction System For Hifz Students

Not too long ago, I went to visit a local mosque and I was invited to speak to the students. The students memorising the Qur’ān were of different age groups and levels. My task was to motivate the madrasah students and help steer them in the right direction. Visiting a madrasah One of the first…

Dr Ahmad Nuaina and the People of the Quran

Dr Ahmad Nuaina and the People of the Quran

When I was in Egypt, I used to make great efforts in making sure I went to Masjid al-Imam al-Hussain for Jumu’ah every week (in Cairo). Why? Because I wanted to meet and listen to Dr Ahmad Nu’aina’. It wasn’t just me, but many hundreds of brothers coming from different corners of Cairo. Today, I…

A Quran Memorisation Technique You Need to Try ASAP!
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A Quran Memorisation Technique You Need to Try ASAP!

There’s a Qur’ān memorisation technique I spent some time teaching to brother Muhammad whose journey we follow in the Diary of A Hāfiz weekly newsletter. There’s never one method for memorising and reviewing the Qur’ān that works for everybody in the same way. This is why I made this platform. I’m always open to creative…

Hifz Stories For Those Who Need Motivation
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Hifz Stories For Those Who Need Motivation

Read, reflect and think about the following Hifz stories. Come back to it often. They will always inspire you. The man who started Hifz at age 40 I once heard of a Hifdh story of a man who began memorising Qur’ān at age 40 and finished when he was 70! It took him 30 years…